Partner's general description and participants

French agency for food, environmental and occupational health & safety
ANSES is a public safety agency accountable to the French Ministries of Health, Agriculture, the Environment, Labour and Consumer Affairs. ANSES undertakes monitoring, expert assessment, research and reference activities in a broad range of topics that encompass human health, animal health and well-being, and plant health. It offers a cross-cutting perspective on health issues by assessing health risks and benefits. Its monitoring, vigilance and surveillance work provides input for risk assessment. ANSES is participating in the project through Plant Health Laboratory (LSV), one of its dedicated laboratories.
The Plant Health Laboratory is the reference, scientific and technical support body of ANSES for all subjects concerning risks to plant health. LSV has 80 staff members, specialists in diagnostics, experts in bacteriology, virology, mycology, nematology, entomology and invasive plants, especially for quarantine pests. The laboratory covers all fields related to plant health: development and validation of analytical methods, identification of plant pests, expert appraisals on invasive plant species on cultivated land.
ANSES is involved in many European, bilateral and multilateral research projects, either as coordinator or as partner
Role and participation in the project
ANSES will coordinate the project and will lead the WP5 (Optimization of proficiency evaluation for a horizontal assessment). The LSV will participate in all WPs, except WP7.
Géraldine ANTHOINE
Geraldine Anthoine, PhD-engineer is a senior scientist and nematologist. She initially worked on virology.
She has a long experience, more than 20 years, in laboratory activities (analysis, evaluation of tests, drafting of operating procedures …) in the framework of National Refence Laboratory’s mandate. She is also involved in standards development at national, regional (EPPO) and international (FAO – IPPC – TPDP) levels.
She also acts as technical assessor for national accreditation bodies.
Geraldine Anthoine speaks fluent French and English.
Geraldine Anthoine is the coordinator of the project.
Mathieu Rolland is a plant pathologist and a molecular biologist by training.
On May 2016 he started working in the plant health laboratory of the French agency for food, environmental and occupational health and safety (ANSES) as deputy head of unit "coordination of reference activities".
From March 2011 until May 2016 Mathieu Rolland worked in the French variety and seed study and control group (GEVES) as head of the GMO and pathogens detection unit.
Before that he worked during two years as a post-doctoral associate in Cornell University’s plant pathology department.
Mathieu Rolland speaks fluent French and English.
Aude Chabirand is a senior scientist in the field of plant pathology (bacteriology and virology), quality management and statistics. She is quality manager for two quality systems (one developed according to ISO 17025 for routine analysis and the other one developed according to ISO 17043 for proficiency test organisation). She is also statistical adviser for the ANSES-LSV (experimental designs, data process, writing of statistical guides...) and contributes to several publications concerning the use of statistics in method validation and interlaboratory comparisons.
Pascal Gentit, PhD-engineer, is a senior scientist and virologist, head of the virology-phytoplasmology unit at ANSES-LSV. He has 22 years of experience in biological, serological and molecular research on plant viruses, viroids and phytoplasma. He has contributed to more than 20 publications in peer reviewed journals and books in the field of virology.
Hanna joined Anses - LSV Angers in November 2018 to manage the project VALITEST. She has a PhD in polymer chemistry and she worked on research projects for more than 10 years, particularly with the diagnostic company in human health bioMérieux. Then she developed experience in Quality management, working for 7 years in pharmacy, food and agriculture-related industries. Hanna is a member of the VALITEST Coordination team.
Adrienne PITTMAN
Adrienne Pittman joined ANSES in March 2005 and is, since September 2017, Assistant Director of the European and International Affairs Department. She has an MSc in Environmental Technology, focusing on Health and the Environment and has extensive knowledge of EC work and research.
She first joined ANSES as a scientific project coordinator and coordinated the ERA-ENVHEALTH project, co-funded by the 7th Framework Programme, from 2008 to 2013. She was also focal point for the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) liaising with EFSA for the implementation of activities related to networking and scientific cooperation regarding assessment of risks related to food. Prior to joining ANSES, Adrienne was a scientific writer in an intergovernmental organisation and had worked as a consultant on a wide range of projects for national, regional and local government and other public sector agencies in the UK and Belgium.
Adrienne is part of the VALITEST Coordination team and contributes to the administrative, financial and legal management of the project.
Liliya Stefanova works in the ANSES European and International Affairs Department. She has a Master degree in European Affairs and International Relations and eight years’ experience in European project management. She has participated in the coordination of several projects, funded by the EU Research programme (ERA-ENVHEALTH, TDS-EXPOSURE) and the EU Health programme (NANOGENOTOX, JANPA).
Liliya is part of the VALITEST Coordination team and deals with the administrative, financial and legal management of the project.