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Partner's general description and participants


Bioreba AG

After its foundation in 1980, BIOREBA AG has been involved in the area of plant pathogen diagnostics (viruses, bacteria, fungi and phytoplasma) –for many years using serological methods for laboratory use. In the last 15 years, it has been engaged in molecular detection methods as well. All our ELISA tests and most of our molecular based diagnostic tests are approved for use in our accredited (ISO/IEC 17025) testing service laboratory. The development, validation and commercialization of diagnostic kits is the core competence of BIOREBA. The independent private Swiss company was started in close collaboration with Agroscope, the Swiss centre of excellence for research in the agriculture and food sector. Since then, BIOREBA AG has established cooperation with numerous other research institutes and universities in many countries. Since its foundation, the company has steadily grown and built a reputation for high quality diagnostics. The clients in over 70 countries are agencies/companies/NPPOs involved in certification and production of seeds and seedlings, nurseries, research laboratories, universities, etc. rely on diagnostic kits from BIOREBA.
BIOREBA AG is located in Reinach, near Basel, Switzerland.

Role and participation in the project

BIOREBA will be involved in the following WPs: WP1: participation in the validation of test; WP4 as SME to express needs for validation, WP6: we can offer training events for interested parties; WP7: main contribution as commercial partner; WP8 as partner of the consortium.



Michele Frapolli is Project Manager at BIOREBA and joined the company in 2021. He holds a PhD in Plant Pathology, has a Molecular Biology background and experience in the quality assurance of human clinical studies


Marco Kaiser is the COO of BIOREBA AG and part of the R&D and product development team of the company. Marco holds a PhD in molecular biology and has a strong background in bioinformatics and IT.

Dijana STOLZ

Dijana Stolz is the CEO of BIOREBA AG. She has more than 20 years of professional experience in worldwide commercialization of products for the Biotech industry and Agro-Diagnostic market. Dijana holds Master's Degrees in Biotech Engineering, in Business Administration and in Business Psychology.

EU H2020
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n°773139.

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