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  • Editors: Vučurović A., Mehle N., Anthoine G., Dreo T. & Ravnikar M.
    Critical Points for the Organisation of Test Performance Studies in Microbiology Plant Pathogens as a Case Study.
    Plant Pathology in the 21st Century, vol 12. Springer, Cham.
    Available from:


  • Harrison, C., Agstner, B., Tomlinson, J., Macarthur, R., & van den Berg, F.
    Understanding and Improving the Collection and Use of Diagnostic Test Validation Data: Reflections and Next Steps.
    (2022). PhytoFrontiers, (ja).
    Available from:

  • Massart, S., Adams, I., Al Rwahnih, M., Baeyen, S., Bilodeau, G.J., Blouin, A.G., Boonham, N., Candresse, T., Chandellier, A., De Jonghe, K., Fox, A., Gaafar, Y.Z.A., Gentit, P., Haegeman, A., Ho, W., Hurtado-Gonzales, O., Jonkers, W., Kreuze, J., Kutjnak, D., Landa, B., Liu, M., Maclot, F., Malapi-Wight, M., Maree, H., Martoni, F., Mehle, N., Minafra, A., Mollov, D., Moreira, A., Nakhla, M., Petter, F., Piper, A., Ponchart, J., Rae, R., Remenant, B., Rivera, Y., Rodoni, B., Botermans, M., Roenhorst, J.W., Rollin, J., Saldarelli, P., Santala, J., Souza-Richards, R., Spadaro, D., Studholme, D., Sultmanis, S., van der Vlugt, R., Tamisier, L., Trontin, C., Vazquez-Iglesias, I., Vicente, C.S.L., van de Vossenberg, B.T.L.H., Westenberg, M., Wetzel, T., Ziebell, H., Lebas, B.S.M.
    Guidelines for the reliable use of high throughput sequencing technologies to detect plant pathogens and pests.
    (2022) Peer Community Journal, Volume 2, article no. e62.
    Available from:

  • Massart, S., Lebas, B., Chabirand, A., Chappé, A-M, Dreo, T., Faggioli, F., Harrison, Macarthur R., Mehle N., Mezzalama M., Petter F., Ravnikar M., Renvoisé J.P., Spadaro D., Tomassoli L., Tomlinson J., Trontin C., van der Vlugt R., Vučurović A., Weekes R. & Brostaux Y.
    Guidelines for improving statistical analyses of validation datasets for plant pest diagnostic tests.
    (2022) EPPO Bulletin, 52, 419– 433.
    Available from:

  • Lebas, B., Adams, I., Al Rwahnih, M., Baeyen, S., Bilodeau, G.J. & Blouin, A.G. et al.
    Facilitating the adoption of high-throughput sequencing technologies as a plant pest diagnostic test in laboratories: A step-by-step description.
    (2022) EPPO Bulletin, 52, 394– 418.
    Available from:

  • Trontin, C., Agstner, B., Altenbach, D., Anthoine, G., Bagińska, H., Brittain, I., Chabirand, A., Chappé, A.M., Dahlin, P., Dreo, T., Freye‐Minks, C., Gianinazzi, C., Harrison, C., Jones, G., Luigi, M., Massart, S., Mehle, N., Mezzalama, M., Mouaziz, H., Petter, F., Ravnikar, M., Raaymakers, T.M., Renvoisé, J.P., Rolland, M., Santos Paiva, M., Seddas, S., van der Vlugt, R. and Vučurović, A.
    What did we achieve with VALITEST an EU project on validation in plant pest diagnostics?
    (2022) PhytoFrontiers
    Available from:

  • Luigi, M., Manglli, A., Tiberini, A., Bertin, S., Ferretti, L., Taglienti, A., Faggioli, F. and Tomassoli, L.
    Inter-Laboratory Comparison of RT-PCR-Based Methods for the Detection of Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus on Tomato.
    (2022) Pathogens, 11, 207.
    Available at:

  • Trontin, C., Agstner, B., Altenbach, D., Anthoine, G., Bagińska, H., Brittain, I., Chabirand, A., Chappé, A.M., Dahlin, P., Dreo, T., Freye‐Minks, C., Gianinazzi, C., Harrison, C., Jones, G., Luigi, M., Massart, S., Mehle, N., Mezzalama, M., Mouaziz, H., Petter, F., Ravnikar, M., Raaymakers, T.M., Renvoisé, J.P., Rolland, M., Santos Paiva, M., Seddas, S., van der Vlugt, R. and Vučurović, A.
    VALITEST: Validation of diagnostic tests to support plant health.
    (2021) EPPO Bulletin
    Available at:
EU H2020
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n°773139.

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