Partner's general description and participants

International Plant Analysis and Diagnostics
Founded in 2010, International Plant Analysis and Diagnostics (IPADLAB) is an Italian SME located in Lodi (Lombardia) within the Parco Tecnologico Padano (PTP science park). Since its creation, IPADLAB has received some prestigious awards for innovation: "National Prize for Innovation" (3rd position, 2010) and "il Premio dei Premi" from the President of the Italian Republic in 2011.
IPADLAB is the first Italian biotech company specialized in the development, validation and commercialization of molecular plant diagnosis services. Since its foundation IPADLAB operates as a registered laboratory within the Italian plant health control system at the Ministry of Agriculture (according to the Decreto Ministeriale of 14/04/1997). The laboratory offers analysis services (ELISA or PCR and Real-Time PCR) for the certification of plant material (nurseries, seed producers …) and for the monitoring of plant diseases (fruits, vegetables and grapevine). Diagnostic services mainly concern analysis for mandatory certification of plant material by ELISA or molecular biology like in the case of grapevine nurseries. Since 2012, IPADLAB has an office and facilities in Catania that are accredited and mainly operate in the Citrus certification and monitoring.
IPADLAB serves over 150 different companies for plant material’s certification and field monitoring (national and international). The customers belong to nurseries, seed producers, agro producers (wine, fruit, vegetable and seed producers) and analysis laboratories.
The company cooperates also with research institutes, universities and companies for the development of new tools such as kits (laboratory and in-field) and portable diagnostic device for molecular diagnosis of plant pests.
Role and participation in the project
IPADLAB will lead the WP7 (Market exploitation of the project results), and will participate to all WPs except WP2 and WP5.
Camilo Gianinazzi - MSc in Biology, he is the CEO of the company, responsible for the R&D and Business Development Area
Main expertise in R&D Project management (regional, national and EU). He has more than 10 years of professional experience in development and commercialization of products for Plant Diagnostic. He worked as a researcher at the University of Piemonte Orientale, the San Raffaele Hospital and the IFOM institute (Milan).
Federica LAROCCA
Federica Larocca - MSc in Plants and Agro-Food Biotechnologies, she is working as researcher in the R&D Area and she is in charge of the laboratory services.
Her main expertise concerns serological and molecular technologies in plant health.
She trained as researcher at the University of Milan (Italy) and at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BoKu), Vienna (Austria).
Sebastiano PIAZZA
Sebastiano Piazza - MSc in Agronomy, as laboratory technician, he is in charge ot the branch lab in Catania. His main expertise concerns serological and molecular technologies in virus and viroids detection. He is responsible for the ELISA analysis for Citrus Tristeza Virus (CTV) in the framework of certification of plant material and the molecular analysis for viroids in Citrus.