Partner's general description and participants

Sediag SAS
SEDIAG is an SME specialized in the development, manufacturing, commercialisation and distribution of phytodiagnostic solutions with over 15 years of experience. SEDIAG offers a large range of diagnostic kits and reagents as well as a laboratory analysis testing service for the rapid and reliable detection of the main pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi and phytoplasmas) causing diseases to plant species of economic interest in several agricultural settings (Complete catalogue available in SEDIAG’s webpage). It is important to highlight that SEDIAG’s analysis quality is guaranteed and accredited by the assays and analysis section of COFRAC (Comité Française d’accréditation), by the French Ministry of Agriculture and by France AGRIMER (Etablisement National des produits de l’agriculture et de la mer).
Among SEDIAG’s extensive list of direct customers in France and internationally, public and private research laboratories (such as the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique - INRA), plant health diagnostic analysis laboratories, plant quarantine stations, breeders, nurseries, winegrowers and food industries can be found. SEDIAG also counts with more than 30 distributors all over the world in Europe, North Africa, India, South America, Middle-East New-Zealand, or Australia. The sales and marketing department (based near Dijon, Burgundy, France), ensure quick responses to customer inquiries and prompt product delivery. SEDIAG SAS also has a dedicated technical support department and scientific staff to provide product details, specific product recommendations for phytodiagnostics, particular research applications or troubleshooting assistance.
Role and participation in the project
SEDIAG will be involved in the following WPs: WP1: participation in the validation of tests; WP3: WP4: WP7: main contribution as commercial partner.
PhD in Immunology and Microbiology from the University of Burgundy, Dijon (France) is since 2001 the CEO of SEDIAG. He has strong experience in diagnostics and immuno-biochemistry (ELISA, Western Blot, Electronic microscopy, pathogen transmission to herbaceous plants, etc.), especially in monoclonal antibody production for the detection of grapevine pathogens (virus and phytoplasma). He won the French National Awards for the creation and development of start-up companies from the French Ministry of Research and Technology.
Noémie Rouyer has a degree in biology from the University of Burgundy in Dijon (France). She has solid experience in the immunochemical diagnosis of plant pathogens. She is responsible for laboratory production of monoclonal antibodies. She has several years of experience in production ELISA-KITS.