VALITEST webinar series and training activities
Three series of webinars and training activities were organised in the framework of VALITEST:
- One on the concept of test validation in Plant Health
- One on the organisation of Test Performance Studies (TPS)
- One on the guidelines for the development, validation and routine use of High Throughput Sequencing (HTS) tests for diagnostics of plant pests .
The concept of test validation in Plant Health
Objective of the series and activities
The objectives of this webinar series and activities were:
- To introduce the concept of validation and present the state of the art in terms of choice of a test and analysis of the results of performance evaluation
- To train experts on the use of kits (including on-site and field tests)
The activities consisted of 5 webinars (1h) and 2 practical training sessions.
The VALITEST training activities were targeting stakeholders working in Plant Health and interested in the concept of test validation (e.g. technical staff of public and private diagnostic laboratories and of companies producing diagnostic kits, scientific community, policy makers, end-users of kits and on-site tests).
Test Performance Studies organisation
Objective of the series and activities
The objectives of this webinar series and activities were:
- To present the state of the art in term of organization and analysis of Test Performance Studies (TPS)
- To present results and experience gained during the VALITEST project (12 TPS were organised in the framework of the project).
The activities consisted of educational videos, 8 webinars (1h) and 2 practical training sessions.
The VALITEST training activities are targeting staff of public and private (diagnostic) laboratories that are organising test performance studies.
The use and validation of High Throughput sequencing (HTS) tests for diagnostics of plant pests.
Objective of the series and activities
High-throughput sequencing (HTS) is a powerful tool that enables the simultaneous sequencing of potentially all organisms present in a sample. Because of the growing interest in applying HTS for routine diagnostics in plant health laboratories, the objective of this webinar series and activities is to present the recommendations developed by WP2 on the process of selection, development, validation and verification of high-throughput sequencing (HTS) tests and the quality assurance for their routine use as diagnostic tests in plant health laboratories. These recommendations are general to enable a broad application in all plant health fields with appropriate flexibility to account for the changes of technologies.
The activities consisted of 3 webinars (1 to 1.5h) and 1 practical training activity (2 sessions).
These VALITEST training activities are mainly targeting technical staff of public and private diagnostic laboratories that intend to routinely use HTS technologies for the detection and identification of any plant pest regardless of the type of HTS technology. Scientists that are using HTS in their laboratories for research purpose may also be interested to join the webinars and training activities and their expertise will be welcome during the practical training activity.

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